Friday, September 3, 2010

Should I Go Naked?

I'm sure with just this title my hits will go through the roof.  And yes, I am genuinely asking if I should go naked or not.  Okay boys, I can already here the "yes"es before I even explain.

Here's my dilemma: Should I go naked under my wetsuit or not?  Does it make a difference?  In comfort?  In performance?

The first time I wore my wetsuit I wore my two-piece string bikini underneath.  The issue is that the strings were rubbing me all the wrong way under the suit and was definitely uncomfortable.  I own a good amount of swimsuits but all of them have strings and/or ties except for my only one-piece nike swimmers high-performance suit.  This was okay for the first couple of times but now I'm noticing that the straps are rubbing my skin raw.  It could be because the suit is so worn that it's now a little loose.  Before I go shopping for a new $80 swimsuit, I wanted to get some opinions.

Now I've spoken to a few of the surfer guys and they undeniable prefer going commando.  Not to say I don't value your opinion men, but are there any experienced females out there that can give me some insight?  I look forward to reading the comments from both males and females regarding this dilemma.  Help me figure this out before this super-long weekend daily surf sessions!


  1. My wife always wears a suit. Guys can pull their top down when they got hot. You'll want a suit. My wife buys specific suits that work from years of being in water sports.

  2. Thanks for sharing NC Paddle Surfer.

  3. Hi from the icy cold PNW, where wetsuits are a way of life. After years of experimenting, I like to go with a two-piece swimsuit with NO strings or fasteners of any kind. I found the ones that work best for me are from Patagonia. Plus you can get different sizes for top and bottom to customize the fit. Love your blog!


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