Friday, July 29, 2011

A TRUE Surfer

You can easily recognize a TRUE surfer by checking for a few simple things.  Most passion-hearted surfers carry some special attributes: drives a sandy truck, has a year-round tan, happens to be sick for work on the same day surf is good, mind-surfs at work when the surf is bad and would rather walk around in slippers or bare feet.  Eh... sounds like any typical surfer but what makes a TRUE surfer stand out from the rest?  His CUSTOM surfboard.  Someone who is serious about the sport and lives to surf knows how important it is to have the right equipment and will spend the bucks to get it.  As a matter of fact, those TRUE surfers who have been at it for a while will most likely have a quiver of custom surfboards.

Well, guess who has joined the ranks to become a TRUE surfer today?  Duh.  ME!!  I'm so stoked to finally get to the point where I'm purchasing a board that is custom-made especially for me.  It was a somewhat spontaneous decision.  I knew I'd want to order a custom board some time in the near future but it really wasn't scheduled into today's agenda.  But after a fun surf day and visiting the Stamps shop, surrounded by shiny new boards... I had to have one NOW.  It was so exciting to walk into the shop and talk to Tim Stamps (yes, the man himself) about the specifics of the board I wanted.  Stamps knows his stuff and has been shaping for many years so he helped me come up with a rockin' design.  He creates some awesome boards out of his shop and I can't wait until my board is done.  Now I feel like an anxious little kid having to wait for Christmas Day to my open present!

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