Thursday, December 22, 2011

My Favorite Surfer (For Today)

Today I think I saw my favorite surfer. We were at a spot out in the middle of nowhere. You had to bump along a dusty dirt road with no houses or people on it for miles- just jungle and mosquitoes. At the end of the road is a really fun surf spot but you have to work to get to it. We had just finished our session and were getting ready to leave when up walked this super stylish local girl surfer. Check her out:

It was the hat that got me- she was so stylish without even trying, carrying her board over her shoulder with a homemade strap, whistling to her dog and just cruising out of the jungle. I liked the fact that she wasn't trying for anybody- she wasn't filling some type of "surfer-chick" stereotype. She was just a girl who wanted to go surfing- so she started walking. That's cool.

1 comment:

  1. Hey cuz, you and James should make it down here with me next time. Nice warm water, cold drinks and surf!!
