Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Made it!

Well, we got here. And it's really beautiful. It's about eighty degrees, no wind, waist to chest high, glassy surf... Is there anything more to say? Check back for surf pics:

Boga 9'5" Bullet: The folks at Boga really came through and hooked me up with a brand new Boga Bullet to take on this trip... this is HANDS DOWN my favorite short SUP. I've been surfing a Bullet for about four months, it was my first step down from a big 11'6" stand up board and I have to say, if you're dreaming about getting on something a bit more high performance (you can turn it!) this is a board you should check out. Here I am getting her all finned up for my first surf of the trip- this is a great travel board just small enough to get on the plane and just big enough to make stando surfing fun. Thanks Boga!


  1. You can go way smaller than 9'6". That board is not even small for John. Enjoy it though, if it's that much of a step down for you, the change in volume paired with tropical weather and water will definitely wear you out.

  2. I don't know.. I'm pretty partial to big and thick. It works for me, especially at the level I'm at right now. I think it's more the margaritas that are wearing me down. This place rules!

  3. nice. so jealous! Have fun cuz! Feliz Navidad! Catch ya when yas gets back!
