Tuesday, May 9, 2017

A Boondoggle Adventure

Kudos to you if you get the title!  "Boondoggle" is a new term I learned from this month's GQ article on Brad Pitt.  I'm not an avid reader of GQ, nor am I a big fan of Brad Pitt (BP).  A friend posted a picture of the front cover on FB which caught my attention because I was really drawn to the cool shirt he was wearing, plus I was curious about the location of the shot.  So I clicked on the link.  It opened up to a cool, laid back photo of BP.  

I continued to scroll to find more interesting photos of BP.  Again, it was the scenery which was calling to me.

The above photo not only made me wonder "How the heck did they get that shot?  Did BP actually take a leap on his head?" He couldn't have rolled because if you notice, there isn't much of a mark in the sand.  I read pieces of the article to find out about the locations of the photo shoots-- "the lunar dunes of White Sands National Monument, the underground labyrinths of Carlsbad Caverns and the swamps of the Everglades".  What a coincidence that I'm reading about these places a few days before I'm about to go on a cross-country journey with my daughter!  More surprising is that they lie along the route we plan to drive home towards California.

So, don't be surprised to see these shots again, except with me in the photo instead of BP.  Why not?  We plan to have a boondoggle time anyway!  (If you want to find out what boondoggle means you can read how BP found out during his interview: http://www.gq.com/story/brad-pitt-gq-style-cover-story)

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